iPad iPhone iPod

How to Clear Cache and Cookies from Safari in iOS

Written by Kevin

Learn how to clear your cookies, cache, and history on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod.

Knowing how to clear your cookies and browser cache is vital to those who work with any type of computer or smart phone these days.  It is mind bloggling to me but some people still do not know how to clear such a thing on these new handheld devices like the iPhone and iPad.  For instance, when you are using another’s device, like an iPad, to check your email or Facebook you may want to clear the cache and cookies to remove any saved password or to disable the your login session. I have had to clear my cache and cookies religiously when I am doing iterative changes on a site I am building.

These step apply to all iOS devices:

  • Navigate to the ‘Settings’ menu
  • Scroll down to the ‘Safari’ tab and open it
  • Scroll down again until you see ‘Clear Cache’ and ‘Clear Cookies’ tap on each of them for the erase to take affect

Remember to tap each of them individually; tapping only one will clear that specific setting. If your intentions are to clear all traces of your browsing history and session then you will want to tap on the ‘Clear History’ button as well. On the other hand, if you just want to remove saved passwords and saved web form fields then clearing just the cookies will suffice.

Clearing the cache and cookies on any device you are using is another way to ensure your privacy. It can also prevent your roommate from getting on your Facebook and posting your status as “I love boys” (I was a victim!)

About the author


Kevin is the Founder and Senior Editor of Tech Heavy. When he isn't writing about the latest tech tools he spends his days working in an IT department in Dubuque, IA. @kevincray


  • Cool, thanks for the tip. I had been wondering how to do this ever since my friend hacked my twitter a couple weeks ago.

  • Great for this article. Moreover, you can try with this PhoneClean, it can help you Remove Junk Files & Clear Private Data on iPhone. including App Caches/Cookies/Temp files/Crash Logs, Photo Caches, Safari Cookies/Caches/History, and so on.