
How to extract a .RAR or .ZIP file on Mac OS X

Find a file ending in .zip or .rar that you can’t seem to open? If you need to get into and expand RAR files in Mac OS X, check out the free app UnRarX. Not only will UnRarX quickly open and extract .rar files, but it also has the ability to restore corrupted and missing archives using par files.

How to Open .rar Files in Mac OS X

Once you have downloaded UnRarX, opening and expanding rar files is very similar to .zip and .sit archives:

  • Launch UnRarX
  • Drag and drop any rar archives into the open application to unrar them

After UnRarX has been run, it will now be associated with .rar archives on your Mac, allowing you to just double-click on any rar file to extract it in the future. You can also just open the rar file and explore the archive without uncompressing it.

Don’t like UnRarX, well if your picky be sure to check out other decompressing apps available, mind you not all are free.

Other extracting apps for Mac

About the author


Kevin is the Founder and Senior Editor of Tech Heavy. When he isn't writing about the latest tech tools he spends his days working in an IT department in Dubuque, IA. @kevincray