It appears Valve has decided to take the jump into the rapid-growing mobile industry by developing a pair of apps for it’s popular gaming platform, Steam. They have gone all in and developed an app for both Android and iOS devices.
This is sure to excite a lot of gamer’s out there, first TeamSpeak came to iOS and Android and now the most popular desktop gaming client is on the horizon. I say horizon because Steam app’s are not currently available to the general public quite yet. You can find them in the App Store and Marketplace, even download them, but in order to login you must have a steam account that has the proper beta credentials.
Impatient as I am I attempted to login anyways and was greeted with a message notifying me that Steam has recorded my Steam ID and may send me an invite to the beta during sometime in the near future, so it’s a good idea to attempt to login in hopes of being put on the waiting list.
The Steam App offers you the ability to use practically every feature within the desktop application. Check out Steam’s official announcement here.
App Features:
- Participate in the Steam community
- Chat with your Steam friends
- Browse community groups and user profiles
- Read the latest gaming news
- Stay up to date on unbeatable Steam sales
I’m really glad Steam decided to make the app feature-rich, rather then just a wrapper for their store, like I have seen so many other companies do. I know my friends and I will be taking advantage of the Buddy list and chatting features as soon as we get our hands on the app. With the tablet demand growing ever so quickly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they make a iPad version as well.
If you were one of the lucky chosen ones to get beta access to the app let us know what you think of the app in it’s current state in the comments below!
NOTE: You must have a beta key in order to use the app at the moment.
Steam Mobile for iOS | Steam Mobile for Android
According to my view,steam working on mobile application is good.It has developed a popular gaming platform for all the android and ISO services.Mow steam should develop its application services far wide almost allover the country.
According to me,steam for mobile application is very good and it has produced a popular gaming bridge for android and ISO system.
According to my view,steam working on mobile application is nice.It has developed a popular gaming . i also like this mobile Application Features.
Thanx for info. And thanx for shere.