Not everyone had dual monitors and not everyone has enough space to have two different browser windows open at once and still have space left on the screen. A new Chrome extension has been created to help solve this issue called Split Screen, which allows you to have two different web pages open side-by-side within one Chrome browser window. Sometimes you need to compare two different sites against one another, other times you might be writing a paper and would like to have both of your sources up at once, well now you can with this handy extension.
Like most Chrome extensions Split Screen installs as a button on your Chrome menu bar and to activate the extension all you must do is click on that button. Once you have clicked it you will notice your browser separate into two and a URL bar will be visible on both sides. The only draw back to this extension is that it disables your URL bar to be used as a search bar, so if you where to just type in a word and hit enter like within a normal Chrome window nothing would happen in this case. The nice part about this extension is that both windows will scroll independently of each other.
NOTE: Refreshing/reloading the window will wipe both windows blank and return them to their default position and if the Back button on your browser is used, you will be sent back to the previous page you were one before you enabled Split Screen.
Split Screen is a free extension for Google Chrome, download Split Screen now.
thank god for RSS feeds, i’m writing a summer school paper tomorrow and i just read this, so i’m going to try it out, i’ll let you know how well it works
Google Chrome is definitely leading the pack (more so than Opera and FireFox) in terms of features! I can’t wait to try it out either!
Just tried it and it is so convenience I helping me doing some multitasking. I even watch movie on one side and writing blog on the other side. LOL.
Although I find it interesting, I think they will improve it better in near future. It is not user-friendly to me. I find it hard to use.
Interesting but I do agree that it is not user-friendly.
Mine not working, I am wondering if I did it wrong. I installed and simply put the address on both sides. It seems not loading.
I just download it too, mine can load the pages however, it looks weird because it was only half page, so I only can see half page of the web. There’s no direction bar to scroll to the other side of the page. I try using arrows on keyboard, it will coz the page to reload to the default page.
Downloaded it and uninstalled it. I just don’t know how to use it.
Anyway to report this to the developer? It can helps them to fix it.
It seems so many people having difficulty to use this program. It’s just an extension, might need some time to get better. Just delete it anytime you want.
No problem with me. Just that I don’t have to use it often.
Split Screen is one of the best additions to a growing Chrome extensions now available for loyal Chrome users. Very nice and slick application.
Chrome is definitely on the run at the expense of Firefox. I have both browsers in my PC but recently I tilted more to Chrome.
Very cool…
Since I could not afford to buy another LCD monitor, this can be a great substitute…another cute extension from Chrome. This can be another reason to fully switch to Chrome as it is now flexing its muscles to eventually dethrone other browsers.
Just tried the extension and it is so cool…
Well…this is a very cute extension courtesy of the next leader in the browser department…Chrome. It is almost magical…
Slam dunkin like Shaquille O’Neal, if he wrote ifonmrtaive articles.