macOS Tips & Tricks

How to keep your Mac up-to-date

It is important to keep your Mac up-to-date, with each software update comes new additions as well as bug fixes and sometimes security updates.

It is important to keep your Mac up-to-date, with each software update comes new additions as well as bug fixes and sometimes security updates. Normally these updates aren’t very large but they still improve the stability of your overall system.

Many of you may see the image below jump up on your screen from time-to-time and your either too busy working on something else or simply don’t feel like going through the update process at the moment. So you might want to check now if you have any updates available. Doing this is extremely easy, just click on the apple logo in the upper left hand corner of your screen and select ‘Software Update’ this will reach out to Apple’s servers and determine if your system needs any updates.

About the author


Kevin is the Founder and Senior Editor of Tech Heavy. When he isn't writing about the latest tech tools he spends his days working in an IT department in Dubuque, IA. @kevincray

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  • […] The Mac App Store was released as part of the Mac OS X 10.6.6 System Update. This update is only available to those currently running Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) if you are running anything lower (10.5 or 10.4 for example) then you will need to upgrade to Snow Leopard first. You can purchase Snow Leopard from, Best Buy or even Amazon for $29.99.  Once you have Snow Leopard go ahead and run the software updates to get the 10.6.6 update. Learn how to run software updates on your Mac by visiting our tutorial here. […]